

This is Entry 1 in a new series I`m making, with the theme of technology. You can also look at the second installment in the series, of which a third and fourth one is coming out as soon as the muse revisits me. Rather cute, isn`t it?


I know you can`t really tell with the picture, but I really struggled to get the inside of the screen just right. I wanted to be able to see the background layer, but I also wanted to be able to get some new coloration that was unique to just the screen portion. So, after some trial and error, I made up a brand spanking new technique! (Well, it`s new at least for me.) I achieved a glaze effect with a mixture of paints, primarily acrylic, with just a drop of dish soap added. It really looks quite lovely! (Though, again, the photo does it no justice.) I just can`t quite figure out this photography thing, but I`m getting better!

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