Madame Zarina sees boxes in your future. LOADS of boxes!

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Moving boxes, that is! That is because I am imminently moving! Sure, it is just down the hall, but when you`ve lived in one place for the past twelve years, it`s a big deal. On the other hand, it is pretty exciting that I get to have a ton more closet space and room to have a real mattress. I`ve been using a cot sized mattress, which most people don`t even know exists because it is so unpopularly small. Which really is ironic, because I`m pushing 5’10”, and am not exactly a miniature person. The only reason it has worked out so long, really, is because I like to sleep all curled up. Still. I like space. Sometimes I like to stretch out and read, and that`s hard to do in my bed. But no more! Now I get to move into a room that is roughly twice the size of my current one! And room for all of my shoes and clothes to fit into one huge closet without storing 3 season`s clothes in the basement. Somebody pinch me! So in the meantime I thought I`d let you know there will be lots of fun decorating going into that place before I actually move in, which means lots of fresh ideas for you!

I`m still mainly excited about having a room that is basically the size of a whole economy apartment, without the need to stuff any kitchen or bath stuff into the layout. I like posting stuff for you too, but I`ve been looking forward to this moment since first grade, when I first moved into my tiny room with no closet. Seriously, how come DormGirl, the one who likes minimalism and especially a minimal wardrobe, got the big closet instead of the fashionista? I will never understand the logic. Well, actually, she is older, so that was kind of the whole basis of the decision. (grumble grumble.)

But no worries! All that is over! And I can even let you know some specifics about my new space!

-15′ x 10′ (not including huge closet space)

-slanted ceiling

-knee walls on two sides that have sort of mini closets

– brand new bamboo flooring that has already been assigned to the room

-would have room for all of my clothes!

-I would be able to have a full sized bed, room for my drafting desk that I use for 2-D art, and a little reading area. And this amazingly beautiful trundle bed, where I currently have my mattress on the floor. No box springs or anything. I have it there so I can fold it up during the day, because my current space is only 11’x9’6″.

The thing is, even with all of those cool pluses, there are a few minuses as well. They kind of make me pause to consider whether I really want to go through with the switch…

-It is a finished part of the attic, so it gets super hot in Summer and super cold in Winter

-Same reason why there is a bug problem in Summer. I figure thorough caulking in every place I can stick a caulk gun should fix this?

-Terrible windows. They are single pane with an out storm window, and the storm window is pretty broken. This is a huge point to consider as my current room just got brand new, energy efficient, super insulating triple paned windows that easily open for the breeze and cleaning.

-A terrible view. It faces right into the neighbor`s windows, whereas my old room looks onto the trees and meadowland of the power lines.

-Low walls, so less useable space to hang up art. This is actually a huge deterrent!

Do you think moving is the right decision, or should I stay put? I`m probably only here for another two years, so that should probably factor into the decision as well. I`d have a lot of redecorating and moving to do, a short period of time to enjoy the change, and only a few months to do it in. (I would have to have moved in before DormGirl`s next break, or at least before the next major break.) Do you think I should do it?

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