Christmas Present Haul!

2017 has been special in many ways for me. I published my first book and started an author blog. Come to that, just the fact that I finally, finally got to come back to doing the blogging I so love has been really awesome. So you can guess that my Christmas wishlist had some pretty

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Top Psychologists have been saying again and again for the last few years that taking time to be thankful each day improves your happiness and healthiness. Even better, researcher Robert Emmons says this affect sticks with you at a ratio of 7:60, also known as two months for every one week of daily thankfulness. That’s

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Independence Day

What does it even mean to be American? Why are Americans so patriotic? I think that people confuse American patriotism for what it may mean in some other countries. Americans don’t rush out in droves on Independence Day to eat cotton candy and play with sparklers at a cookout because they agree with everything the

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tInsantiy- 5 Teas, Tonics, and Tisanes that Taste Great Without Caffeine

steaming amber cup of tea with teabag in clear mug on cork coaster on stone island countertop in front of counter with out of focus plants at sunny window

I like tea. Warm tea, cold tea, a hot cup of bitter Mexican style hot chocolate- honestly I like any hot beverage. I just want to share the love about tea because, somehow, it’s all just so interesting to me. There’s just a ton of variety to explore in teas, so at risk of repeating

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Cherry Blossoms in Bloom for The Festival

Its that time of year again! <a href=””>The Cherry Blossom Festival</a> is in full swing now. Full of dancing, food, and other entertainment, it is the highlight of any Spring D.C. tourists visit. I am so lucky, to live in D.C. To be able to walk around campus,or down the street, and see the treasured

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Please Contain Yourself! DIY Zero Waste Organization.

upcycled glass apothecary and jam jars with mint chalkboard paint labels

If you’ve stuck with me awhile, you’ll know that I’ve been blogging for a little over 5 years now. I love those nice little clear jar collections you can see in boutique stores and on Pinterest. Unfortunately, I don’t have shelves worth of perfectly matched jars and lids. It would cost at least some amount

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